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Hi, I’m Beau,


Beau hails all the way from Colorado, and despite moving and living on both the coasts of Los Angles, California and the rivers of southern Maryland, one thing that has stayed constant about him is his love for nature and his passion for learning. Whether it be the many science classes he takes in college to pursue a career working in environmental research, or the fondness he has for activities like skiing down any snowy mountain he can find, going to the gym and lifting weights, or playing his trumpet in everything from collegiate symphony orchestras to small town theater performances, Beau is ready to experience the joy of Green River Preserve for the first time this summer alongside all of the new campers, and hopefully learn something from it too! Whether he’s telling you random facts about the trees in the area or teching you what the black and white keys on a piano are, he’s going to be having fun doing it and is very excited for this summer!